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It's possible that the combination of accessible video footage and increasingly expensive lawsuits might at last force cities to re evaluate the cost of police brutality. This month, a disturbing video surfaced of a Baltimore police officer repeatedly punching a man in June; a $5 million lawsuit was then filed against the cop and the footage will be used as evidence. After seeing the video, Baltimore Mayor Stephanie Rawlings Blake criticized the police department and directed the commissioner to develop a "comprehensive" plan to address his agency's systemic brutality. The following week, two city council members proposed legislation that would require every Baltimore police officer to wear a body camera, in order to reduce instances of improper behavior. This is all mildly encouraging, but as long as the cost of the jury verdicts, settlements and legal fees fall outside of the police budgets, the economic incentives for departmental reform will stay low. It's also important to note that filing a civil rights lawsuit is not easy; the overwhelming majority of claims do not result in huge payouts nor is it easy to secure legal representation even if the plaintiff was clearly wronged, notwithstanding all the new technological means to collect evidence.
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When this goal is broken down by month and by week, it provides a way to measure progress regularly. More important, the SMART goal provides a method by which to have a regular conversation with your sales manager to discuss how to remove barriers or gain access to additional resources to achieve the goal. SMART goals become the basis of sales quotas. Since many business to business B2B sales have a long sales cycle, many companies use key performance indicators KPIsMeasures of productivity that relate to achieving goals. to help gauge the productivity of each salesperson. KPIs might be compared to miles per gallon; they are a measure of efficiency and effectiveness.
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However, our perception of the world is also affected by expectations and attention. Indeed, through extensive feedback to the occipital lobe and other lobes of the brain, especially the parietal and temporal lobes, general cognitive processes inuence our visual perception. The vertical meridian representation of the two hemields is joined via a large ber system called the corpus callosum. From the optic chiasm there are two separate pathways that lead to the brain. The smaller one goes to the superior colliculus, a nucleus in the brainstem, which then projects to the thalamic pulvinar nucleus. MAPPING VISUAL AREAS: RETINOTOPYBefore the functions of the different areas are discussed, we rst need to have an accurate map of the visual areas in the occipital lobe. Recently, our understanding of the functional organization of the human brain has greatly expanded due to the development of neuroimaging techniques that allow direct noninvasive observation of patterns of brain activity in normal human subjects engaged in sensory, motor, or cognitive tasks. In particular, fMRI has been used to chart the retinotopic and functional organization of the visual cortex in the human brain. Visual eld topography has been a primary source of information used to identify and map different visual areas in animals and humans. The mapping from the retina to the primary visual cortex is topographic in that nearby regions on the retina project to nearby regions in V1. In the cortex, neighboring positions in the visual eld tend to be represented by groups of neurons that are adjacent to but laterally displaced within the cortical gray matter.